How To Blog From Mobile – Step-by-step guide to getting you started blogging from your smartphone, tablet, or computer, up to a full-fledged profitable blog with Google Adsense and other monetization tools and services that will help you make it big as a blogger.

Do you dream of turning your blog into a full-time income? Are you tired of hearing about how much money you could make if you just started a blog?

In this post, I’ll show you exactly how to start a profitable blog that will pay you a full-time income.

Blogging is a fun and rewarding way to build a business. But if you’re not careful, you can quickly turn your blog into a full-time job.

This post will teach you everything you need to know to build a profitable blog that can pay you a full-time income.

We live in an age of information overload. The Internet contains amazing content — videos, blogs, articles, reviews, and news. And we’re constantly reading through them. We’re continually learning and growing and growing more confident. Yet, at the same time, many of us are drowning in stress, overwhelmed by our lives, responsibilities, and ourselves. What are we missing? What could we be doing better to live more satisfying and productive lives?

Blog From Mobile

Mobile blogging

I’ll show you how to set up a mobile-optimized WordPress website. Then, I’ll walk you through a few mobile-first strategies you can use to build your blog’s audience.

After that, we’ll talk about how to monetize your blog and turn it into a full-time income.

Finally, I’ll review how to get your blog in front of the people most likely to visit your site. To learn how to build a successful blog, check out my step-by-step course, The Ultimate Blog Course.

Write for mobile readers.

A recent survey found that 73% of US Internet users read blogs from their phones. Mobile users are growing at a rate of about 50% per year.

It’s no wonder that so many bloggers are focusing on mobile optimization. After all, mobile readers are your bread and butter.

This post will show you how to write for mobile.

Mobile blogging for ecommerce sites

This post will teach you how to build a profitable blog by focusing on mobile. While desktop and mobile blogging are similar, there are some differences.

For one, mobile blogging is easier because of the limited space you have to work with. Also, how you write for mobile is different from how you write for desktop.

Let’s explore how to use mobile blogging to drive traffic and sales for your ecommerce store.

In this post, I’ll show you how to get started with a Shopify store and blog on your phone or tablet. You’ll learn how to set up your store and blog in minutes, How to promote your store and blog on mobile devices, How to create your first blog post, and how to get your store ready for mobile blogging. Let’s get started! Setting up your Shopify store First, you’ll need to sign up for Shopify. Once you do, you’ll have an account.

Mobile blogging for brick-and-mortar stores

Mobile blogging is one of the best ways to generate sales and revenue for a brick-and-mortar store. With the help of this post, you’ll learn how to tap into mobile shoppers and use your blog to get your store noticed.

To make mobile blogging work, you must set up a mobile-friendly site. Then, you’ll need to write great content that engages your audience on mobile.

For example, when mobile hopper shoppers enterprise, they’ll see an ad for your product on the mobile homepage. This is a great opportunity to sell a high-quality product.

To do this, you’ll need to create content that makes mobile shopping more attractive. You can start with a short paragraph describing the product, then add pictures of the product to get the reader excited.

Next, you’ll want to include a call-to-action button that takes the reader to the checkout page. This is where you can make your sale.

Fequently asked questions about blogging from mobile

Q: What’s the best about blogging on a mobile device vs. a computer?

A: The best thing about blogging on a mobile device is that I can be spontaneous and blog anywhere. This way, I can whip out my phone and blog about my day when I am out and about.

Q: What’s the worst thing about blogging on a mobile device?

A: The worst thing about blogging on a mobile device is that you can’t edit your posts as well as you can on a computer.

Q: How can we blog from mobile without losing the ability to post to our social media pages?

A: You need to log into your computer to make edits. But when you’re on the phone, you must press “post” to get your content out. So when you go back to your computer to edit, you’ll have all the posts ready.

Q: How do you keep your followers up-to-date with what you’re doing?

A: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are the best ways to keep your followers up to date. I also try to answer questions from my followers on Twitter and other social media sites.

Q: How do you promote yourself on social media?

A: I try to tag my friends in posts on Instagram. You should do the same! There are lots of apps that let you add tags to images. 

Top myths about blogging from mobile

  1. I don’t have a good blog name.
  2. I need to make a big splash before I get good traffic and comments.
  3. My writing style isn’t good enough.
  4. I have to write about things that I know about.


You may have heard me say this before, but I am passionate about helping people become successful entrepreneurs.

With that said, I wanted to share my story of turning my mobile phone into a powerful marketing tool.

I’m going to share with you what I did, how I got started, how I made it a full-time business, and how you can do the same thing for yourself.