A Mobile library refers to a suitably equipped and reinforced vehicle or bus that visits schools regularly, with a resource collection that learners and teachers may borrow. It can also refresh a school’s resource collection by issuing block loans. This library model is operated from a central library/depot of resources, such as a regional or district education resource center. The mobile library service was initiated chiefly to alleviate the demands for library service at the main libraries by reaching out to the general population to provide accurate and current information to meet the needs of rural schools.

PETN: A safe explosive that could be set off by mobile phone 1

Butdisuwan (2000) defined a Mobile library as serving communities and locations distant from a local library. They are mostly run from Monday to Friday and sometimes on Saturdays.

Knight (2006) defined the Mobile Library as a large vehicle for use as a library. It is designed to hold books on shelves to be accessed by readers when the car is parked easily. The vehicle usually has enough space for people to read the text inside. They are often used to provide library services to villages and city suburbs that have no library buildings. They can also serve groups of those who have difficulty accessing library services.

Niemand (2004) defined a Mobile library as a library housed in a large van that provides a live service to those unable to attend their nearest local library.

Requirements for the Operation of a Mobile Library

Some of the requirements needed for the operation of such services are highlighted thus:

• A teacher-Librarian to manage the overall service;

• Library assistant and a driver;

• Funding for fuel, maintenance, and licensing;

• Optional online information and circulation services, linked to parent education library management system, utilizing a laptop and scanner;

• A service level agreement with schools involved that clearly articulates the role and responsibilities of the schools and the providers of the service;

• A schedule of regular visits, based on school terms;

• A dedicated budget for collection development and running costs;

• Ongoing training for teachers who have access to the collection and a

• Monitoring and reporting mechanism (Knight, 2006).

The Role of Mobile Libraries in supporting education

Libraries and information centers do not exist in a vacuum. There is always a sound rationale for their operations. Hence the following reasons below express the importance of mobile libraries:

• Move on to service other schools as schools progress towards developing their own school library and information service;

• The school’s library resource is refreshed regularly by mobile library service since the selection is based on the needs of the schools that are visited;

• This service is useful especially in the rural schools when there is a lack of large organizational capacity and a lack of space to establish a proper library;

• Engage in the sharing of resources which enables learners and teachers to access a wide range of resources;

Assist the teachers in growing learners to become information literate and develop the reading habit;

• Have other learning interventions such as music, arts, science, and technology learning Programmes as part of the School Library and Information Service Programme, which will benefit all learners.

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• Target user groups and their information needs in remote communities or other regions where library services are currently unable to stimulate or meet the demand for information;

• Stretch out their services to reach the physically disabled;

• Mobile libraries make reading materials available to various schools based on their learning needs. Picture books with less complex illustrations, words, and information books with many photographs are selected for a class at the preparatory level;

• They play a vital role in times of crises by directing many stakeholders such as citizens, experts, and policymakers by providing trustworthy sources of information;

• Building lasting ties with the school community through establishing sustainable partnerships by helping to inculcate the habit and culture of reading in the communities;

• Provide read-aloud session and user-education programs, especially when new users are introduced to their services; and

• Provide reference materials such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, maps, atlases, and globes for the extensive source of information and references for their patrons (Beenham and Harrison, 1990).

Challenges Faced in the Operating Mobile Library Services

Mobile Library’s operations are not without challenges. These range from a lot of issues as stated below:

• More so, the lack of sufficient trained and qualified personnel is another challenge of mobile library operation. Many a time, mobile library staff lacks the required qualification in the field of librarianship;

• Financial constraints also pose a challenge to running a mobile library. A mobile library needs a recurrent income and expenditure budget to augment its depleted resources over a set of time owing to its consistent usage by users;

• Management of the Service could be problematic, as schools have to be held accountable for items borrowed;

• Distance and terrain present their challenges, especially as the service is limited by the number of buses servicing rural areas;

• Buses can also be a target for thieves, especially if they carry computers; and

• Donated buses already customized from other countries need to be serviced locally, while there is also the added attendant of the cost of importation clearance.

Indeed, a mobile library service is one of the most important services libraries and Information Services use to meet their aims and objectives. There is considerable potential in the use of mobile library services as a support to local or stationary library services, but there are also many challenges. Therefore, nations’ governments, Educational Administrators, Librarians, and National library administrations should commit to achieving quality and sustainability in developing and improving mobile library services. Only through their active participation will mobile library services transform education’s teaching and learning process.


Beenham, Rosemary, and Harrison, P. (1990). The Basics of Librarianship 3rd. Ed. London: Clive Bingley.

Butdisuwan, Stevens (2000).Reaching out through a Mobile Library. Montreal: Venture Press.

Knight (2006). Richard (2006). Branches on Wheel: Innovation in Public Library Mobile Services. London: Clive Bingley.

Niemand, Mona(2004).The Role of the Moving Library in Developing a Culture of Reading. London: Clive Bingley.